Testing / Trusting / Blessings
Genesis 22:1-14
The story of Abraham being asked
of God to offer his son Isaac
for a
sacrifice is one of the most
intense illustrations for
testing of one's
faith that any individual has
ever gone through. God had
a specific plan for
Abraham's life that would affect
all humanity and their
relationship to God.
God had to know how much Abraham
could be trusted and how much
trusted Him.
God allows us to be tested too,
often to the point of feeling
that our
backs are against the wall and
there is no way out. He may
allow a
situation to go on for awhile,
then just about the time we feel
we can't go
any farther God somehow makes a
way of escape. That is
what happened with
Abraham and Isaac. As they
were walking up the mountain to
the place where
God had told them to go, Isaac
began questioning his father
about where the
sacrifice was (v.7).
Without hesitation Abraham
answered, "My son, God will
provide himself a lamb for a
burnt offering" (v.8). The
Bible doesn't say
this, but I wonder if an angel
of the Lord might have been
carrying a ram up
the other side of the mountain
as Abraham and Isaac were
carrying the wood
and the fire. However it
happened, the ram was there
ready to be offered
just at the right time.
God always comes through.
If you will notice something
else, the first thing that
Abraham did, when he
and Isaac reached the top of the
mountain, was to build an altar
(v.9). The
altar had to be prepared before
the sacrifice was made.
God wants us to have
an altar, a place where we can
meet with Him and offer
ourselves to Him for
service. Romans 12:1 says,
"I beseech you therefore,
brethren, by the
mercies of God, that ye present
your bodies a living sacrifice,
acceptable unto God, which is
your reasonable service."
Abraham had proved himself to
God, now God was ready to use
him to the
fullest. He trusted God
and God trusted him. The
blessings that God had
promised him would now be
God so much wants us to have His
blessings too. He offered
his son, Jesus, for
a sacrifice for our sins; and if
we will learn to trust in Him we
receive those blessings. We
will go through times of testing
but hopefully
we will learn to trust God more
because of them.
There is nothing that is certain
in this life, Jesus is our only
Let's share the good news with
others and tell them that "Jesus
saves," and
if they believe they can
experience the blessings of God
........... Pastor