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TabernacleChurch of God

We Believe...The
scriptures are inspired by God. Both the Old and New
Testaments are the revelation of God to man, the infallible,
authoritative rule of faith and conduct.
We Believe...In the
Trinity. That God exists in three distinct persons, namely
the father, the Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
We Believe...In the
deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. That Jesus is the eternal Son
of God. He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life,
performed miracles while on the earth and died on the cross as
a substitution and payment for our sins. That he rose again
on the third day and is exalted to the right hand of God the
We Believe...In the fall
of man. Man was created good and upright, however, by
voluntary transgression man fell and thereby incurred not only
physical death but also spiritual death which is separation
from God.
We Believe...In the
salvation of man. Man’s only hope of redemption is through
the shed blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God. That whosoever
should call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
We Believe...Baptism in
water by immersion. Jesus being our example and commanding us
to be baptized in water in the name of the father, and the Son
and the Holy Spirit. It is the outward sign of the inward
change. Demonstrating the laying down of the old nature and
being raised up a new creature in Christ Jesus.
We Believe...In Holy
Communion. Remembering the Lord’s death until he comes
again. The bread representing his body and the cup
representing his blood.
We Believe...In the
baptism in the Holy Ghost. That all believers are entitled to
and should activity seek the promise of the father, the
baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire.
We Believe...In speaking
in tongues as the initial physical evidence of the baptism in
the Holy Ghost.
We Believe...In the
Gifts of the Spirit. That they are part of the New Testament
church and should be in operation in the local body.
We Believe...In the
outward expression of worship towards God. In both vocal and
silent praise, raising the hand, clapping hands in praise,
singing and rejoicing because of the goodness of God.
We Believe...In praying
for the sick by the laying on the hands and anointing with
We Believe...In the
fellowship of the believers.

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Copyright Faith Tabernacle church of God 2005 |