In one of the hymnals at church
there is a song titled, " Come
and Dine".
The first verse goes like this:
"Jesus has the table spread,
where the saints of God are fed,
He invites His chosen people
come and dine.
There we have our hearts desire,
bread and fish upon the fire.
To the hungry calleth now come
and dine."
Just picture a large banquet
table spread with every kind of
food that could
ever be thought about, food to
satisfy any appetite. The
finest cuts of
meats and seafood, salads and
fresh cooked vegetables, the
most fancy
desserts you could dream of and
an array of drinks to satisfy
your thirst.
Imagine that this table is
spread all the time and anytime
you are hungry
you can go in and just help
That is exactly what God has for
us in the Spiritual realm.
He has a table
spread and He calls us to come
and dine. He is waiting
for us to stop by
and feast for awhile. His
banquet table is spread with so
many good things.
There is peace and rest for
those who are burdened, joy for
the sorrowful,
hope for those who have given up
on everything in life.
There is healing
for the sick, and comfort for
the lonely and depressed.
There is victory for
those who are battling
Only God could a spread table
like this, because He is aware
of what we
hunger for even when we don't
know what we need. It is
good to know that we
can come anytime and feast, even
at the midnight hour. When
we have feasted
at God's table we will always
leave feeling full of His
goodness and mercy
and grace. Psalm 34:8
says, " O taste and see that the
Lord is good: blessed
is he that trusts in Him."
If you have not accepted Jesus
as Savior, He offers salvation
to you; His
arms are outstretched and He
invites you to "come and dine."
When you
accept this invitation, you can
come freely to feast at His
table anytime.
poem was the introductory page
of Lorinda's keynote address at
the Ladies Conference at the
Piqua, Ohio Crossroads Church of
God MA on November 10, 2007.
Unfortunately, the program was
not taped or recorded. She
spoke extemporaneously, so the
anointed message cannot be