At Faith Tabernacle Christ is the Theme, People are the Reason.

Index for this Page

Pastor Jerry's Birthday

Sister Lorinda's Birthday


Mother's Day

Father's Day

Collecting Flip Flops for the Mission Fields

Pastor Appreciation Day

Home Page for Previous Years'--"What's Going On"


Pastor Jerry's Birthday

What better way to begin the new year at Faith Tabernacle than to celebrate the January 16 birthday of our pastor, Rev. Jerry P. Grubbs.

With help of Sisters Lorinda and Lisa Barefoot, the Wednesday night kids made a giant birthday and individual cards for Pastor Jerry.  They shared his birthday cake at snack time. 

Pastor Jerry in church kitchen displaying his birthday cake.

Click on picture to enlarge

Kids with Pastor displaying card they jointly made and signed by all present.


Sister Lorinda's Birthday

Since Sister Lorinda's birthday is February 2, the last Wednesday night in January seemed a good time for the youth to celebrate the occasion.

Sister Lorinda and the beautiful cake which was shared with the kids at snack time.

The kids made a giant birthday card as well as individual cards with help from Sisters Lisa Barefoot and Alma Ridings.

For more pictures of the youth activities, go to the Youth 2013 page.


After-church fellowship


Mother's Day

Our mothers were asked to come to the front of the church for pictures.  They also received a nice basket filled with "goodies" and then as they left the church, they received a geranium for their flower garden.  Faith Tabernacle is proud of and appreciates all mothers, many of whom are working with our youth to guide them into the way of the Lord.  God bless our mothers!


Father's Day

Our Fathers were honored on their special day.  All fathers were asked to come to the front of the church for pictures and received a nice "goodie bag" to take home from the church.  We appreciate all our fathers who are also "church fathers" as they give their time and means to support the programs of the church.  There is great camaraderie among our church family members.


Collecting Flip Flops for Missions

A collection box sits by the church front door for flip flops to be delivered to Haiti and other mission locations later this year when a church official visits our churches there.  Response has been very good.  We appreciate the generous participation of our folks!  With help of Sister Lisa Barefoot and Sister Lorinda, the Wednesday night kids prepared the collection box.

The Collection box at church was filled and emptied into totes several times.

Several totes were filled with flip flops to be sent to the Mission Fields


Pastor Appreciation Day

Thanks to Karen Jacobs for her leadership in preparations and execution of all Pastor Appreciation Day activities!

Pastor Jerry and his sisters, Mary, Gloria and Ina

Getting in on Pastor Jerry's famous fudge


Church Christmas Party

Under the direction and planning of Karen Jacobs, the church family met at "Lakes of Taylor" in Taylor, Michigan Tuesday, the 17th for our annual Christmas Party.  The facility was decorated beautifully and the food and service were good. 

Everyone brought a "generic" gift and chose one from the table as their number was called.  They could keep the one they chose or "steal" someone else's.  It brought lots of laughs and bantering as gifts were exchanged again and again.  Wonderful fellowship with our brothers and sisters.

Looking like Christmas at Faith Tabernacle.






@ Faith Tabernacle 2013 

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